Can Worm Composting Be Done Indoors?

Worm Composting...

“I’ve been thinking about starting my own worm composting setup, but since I live in a small apartment in London and don’t have any outdoor space, I wonder if it’s feasible to do it indoors. What should I consider to make it work successfully?” Thanks, John, UK.

Can Worm Composting Be Done Indoors?

Amazing question, John! Absolutely, worm composting can definitely be done indoors. It’s actually a fantastic idea, especially for those in urban settings or apartments without any garden space. Let’s go through everything you’ll need to get started.

Why Consider Worm Composting Indoors?

Doing worm composting inside your home comes with quite a few benefits:

  • Space-Efficient: Worm bins don’t take up much room. They can easily fit in a kitchen, under the sink, or in a closet.
  • Odor-Free: When maintained correctly, worm bins don’t smell bad. The worms do a great job of breaking down food scraps quickly and efficiently.
  • Year-Round Composting: Indoor worm composting means you can keep composting even in the winter when outside temperatures drop.
  • Reduce Waste: It’s an effective way to reduce household waste by turning it into nutrient-rich compost.

Getting Started with Indoor Worm Composting

Alright, John. Let’s start with the basics. You’ll need a worm bin, bedding, and, of course, worms. Here’s a more detailed look at each component:

Choosing the Right Worm Bin

There are a few options for worm bins, and the choice depends on your needs and the space you have:

  • Commercial Worm Bins: These are ready-to-use, often stackable bins designed specifically for worm composting. They’re practical and easy to manage.
  • DIY Worm Bins: If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can make your own using plastic storage containers. Make sure to drill holes for ventilation and drainage.

Whichever you choose, ensure the bin is opaque, as worms dislike light. A 10-gallon bin is a good size to start with if you’re composting kitchen scraps for one or two people.

Selecting the Right Worms

The type of worms you’ll need are called Red Wigglers (Eisenia fetida). They are highly efficient at breaking down organic material:

  • Red Wigglers: They’re easy to maintain and thrive in the conditions typical of a worm bin.
  • Amount Needed: For a small household, start with about half a pound of worms (roughly 500). You can increase the population as they multiply.

Setting Up the Bedding

The bedding serves as the worms’ home and should be moist, but not soaking wet:

  1. Materials: Use shredded newspaper, cardboard, or coconut coir. Avoid glossy paper types.
  2. Preparation: Moisten the bedding material, ensuring it’s damp but not dripping.
  3. Depth: Fill the bin with about four to six inches of bedding to start with.

Feeding Your Worms

Understanding what worms can and can’t eat is critical, John. The general rule is to provide organic waste, but here’s a more detailed breakdown:

What to Feed

  • Fruit and Vegetable Scraps: Most kitchen produce such as apple cores, banana peels, and carrot tops are ideal.
  • Coffee Grounds and Tea Bags: These are great, but ensure there’s no plastic in the tea bags.
  • Crushed Eggshells: They’ll help with pH balance and provide grit for the worms’ digestion.

What to Avoid

  • Citrus and Spicy Foods: Lemons, oranges, and peppers can be too acidic for the worms.
  • Onions and Garlic: These can cause a strong odor and aren’t ideal for the worms.
  • Meat and Dairy: These products can attract pests and create unpleasant odors.

Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance will ensure your worm bin remains healthy and odor-free:

Monitoring Moisture

The bedding should always be damp, similar to a wrung-out sponge:

  • Too Dry: Add a small amount of water using a spray bottle.
  • Too Wet: Add more bedding to absorb excess moisture.


Ensure there’s proper airflow to prevent odors and keep the environment suitable for the worms:

  • Drill Holes: If you’re using a DIY bin, ensure there are enough ventilation holes.
  • Stirring the Bedding: Occasionally (about once a week), gently mix the bedding to aerate it.

Harvesting Compost

Depending on various factors, the composting process can take from a few months up to six months:

  • Sifting Method: Push the finished compost to one side of the bin, place fresh bedding and food on the other side, and wait a few days. The worms will migrate to the new food source, making it easier to collect the compost.
  • Light Method: Empty the bin on a large surface under a bright light. The worms will burrow away from the light, allowing you to collect the compost from the top.

Common Issues and Solutions

Don’t worry if you run into issues; it’s all part of the learning process:

Fruit Flies

Fruit flies can be a common nuisance:

  • Tip: Cover the food scraps with bedding, ensuring no food is exposed.
  • Control: Use a fruit fly trap nearby if they become problematic.

Bad Odors

If your bin starts to smell:

  • Tip: Check the moisture levels and aeration. Often, overfeeding can also cause odor issues.
  • Solution: Remove excess food and make sure the bin is well-ventilated.

Safety Considerations

Even though worm composting is relatively safe, considering a few safety tips is beneficial:

  • Location: Place the bin in a convenient but ventilated area away from direct heat sources like stoves or heaters.
  • Children and Pets: Ensure the bin is safely out of reach if you have little kids or curious pets around.

Final Thoughts…

John, thanks so much for asking about indoor worm composting. It’s a wonderful way to manage organic waste and create nutrient-rich compost right inside your home. By choosing the right bin, providing the correct bedding, and feeding your worms responsibly, you’ll have an efficient, odor-free system in no time. Welcome to the exciting world of vermiculture, and happy composting!

Discover how to grow big fat composting worms and produce more organic worm compost faster than ever before with our original step by step guide to worm composting...

Worm Composting Book...

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