The Subpod Worm Farm...
Compost, Worm Farm & Garden Seat
What's A Subpod?
The Subpod worm farm is a unique low maintenance inground worm composting system which you bury inside your actual garden, allowing for the free movement of worms (and nutrients) between the worm farm and your garden.
Using this system you can turn your household kitchen food scraps and waste into a continuous supply of totally natural fertilizer to power your garden organically...
...or continue to read our review of the Subpod composting system below...
How The Subpod Works...
Unlike more traditional "continuous flow" worm farm systems that sit above ground, the subpod is actually buried within your garden giving the composting worms direct access to interact with your plants...

- 1Place your food scraps & kitchen waste into one of the two compartments of the subpod. This is the "food" that powers the system (which would otherwise go to the landfill).
- 2The worms will go to work eating the microbes that break down the food scraps and turn them into nutrient dense organic compost - worm poo or "worm castings" if you prefer ;-0.
- 3After a few months, you'll have a continuous supply of compost which is naturally defused into your garden via the moment of the worms coming and going from the subpod. It can also be removed & added to other areas of your garden and/or turned into a worm tea which you can feed to your other plants.

Should You Choose The Subpod As Your Worm Farm?
I really like the subpod worm composting system but the question is - how does it compare to a stand alone stackable or continuous flow worm farm?
Well, the main difference is the fact that you need to bury it within your garden.
The obvious requirement there is that you'll need space within your actual garden to place it (it can also double as a garden seat too which is very cool). If you have very limited garden space, a stackable or continuous flow worm farm might suit you better as you can keep these anywhere (even inside a garage).
In addition to that, although it can be moved to a new location, it's not a simple process.
What I mean by that is, it's not as easy as just wheeling it to a new location (or unstacking some trays and carrying them). In order to do that you would need to empty the worm composting compartments (to keep the worms) into a bucket or wheel barrow, dig up the subpod unit, move it to it's new location, dig a new hole, and then fill it all back up.
Is that a crazy hard process? No, not by any means and it's not something you're going to end up doing every other month, after all the subpod is ultimately designed to be left in the best location for your garden.
With that in mind, I would say the subpod is an excellent worm farm for the low maintenance gardener.
If you're not interested in having to dig out the worm castings from your worm farm, and spreading them around your garden manually (as you have to do with a stand alone worm farm in a different location), you can just leave the subpod to do it's thing.
The worms themselves will spread the nutrients around your garden in the immediately vicinity of the subpod unit. All you would need to do is regularly top it up with food scraps (and empty the compartments of worm castings when they get full, to make more room for more food).
Of course, if you wanted to be more hands on with your worm farm you can also do that with your subpod too. The nice thing about it's design is that it's separated into two different compartments as you can see from the photo below...

...this allows you to use one compartment at a time. Simply fill up one compartment with your food scraps until it is full (and the worms have converted it into worm castings), then when their food source has expired, start filling up the second compartment with your food scraps.
In doing so, the worms will slowly migrate out of the first compartment, into the second seeking new food, and after a few weeks, the first compartment will (largely) contain nothing but worm castings which you can then take out to use in other areas of your garden (or turn into a liquid fertilizer i.e. worm tea).
You can then repeat this process in the reverse order once the second compartment becomes full.
So What's The Verdict?
So, would I recommend the subpod?
Certainly. It's a great little worm composting system, ideal if you're looking to get into worm composting with less maintenance required, but flexible enough to also get all the same benefits of a stackable stand alone worm farm. The price of both types of systems is also comparable, so that's not really an issue.
If you have a gardener in your life (or if YOU are the gardener in your life ;-0) it would make an excellent and warmly welcomed gift... or a new addition to your organic gardening arsenal. Your garden sure will love it.